
We will help you with your problems. We are here for you.

Additional Services

Soundtrack to Life offers additional services that go beyond therapy and lessons. Licensed Professional Counselors conduct thorough assessment of individuals to determine appropriate goals for development within the therapeutic process. Soundtrack to Life also offers consultation to other professionals and service providers regarding how music can be incorporated across disciplines.


In order to best serve the people we work with, Soundtrack to Life’s therapists conduct thorough assessments for each group and individual they provide services for. With access to a substantial database of various assessment tools, Soundtrack to Life’s therapists examine all aspects of the individual’s life and functioning in order to develop an effective, highly individualized program to meet each person’s needs.

Presentations and Panel Discussions

Soundtrack to Life finds the value in advocating for our field and educating other individuals on how music production and mental health can benefit the community. Soundtrack to Life has presented at schools, mental wellness events, conferences, television, and podcasts.


Soundtrack to Life has successfully partnered with other facilities, schools, interested in culturally congruent mental health program. Are you interested in starting a similar program, but do not know where to begin? We provide you with information to get your mental health program up and running, while providing you support along the way. Soundtrack to Life also provides consultation services to mental health professionals in order to strengthen their clinical work particularly with creative intervention ideas.

Contact us for more information